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Rope Lab + Queer Social Hour - february

  • The 418 Project 155 River Street South Santa Cruz, CA, 95060 United States (map)

Join The Demons in Santa Cruz at The 418 Project in downtown Santa Cruz for our monthly rope lab and social hour! Free Queer munch followed by a sliding scale ticketed rope jam.

Social Hour: 6-7pm, FREE.

Welcome to any and all members of the Queer, kinky, BDSM, non-monogamous, etc. communities and allies. This is a time to mix and mingle with your fellow community members and be around a bunch of like-minded people in a PRIVATE setting! We will have some intros at 6pm, but feel free to participate in the group activities as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. This is a substance-free munch.

Rope Jam: 7-10pm, sliding scale tickets $15-35.

Please plan to arrive before 8:30pm. Welcome to all skill levels, with a focus on those who are newer to tying or looking to skillshare with their peers. This is not a formal education environment, but we encourage community. We provide a handful of books and other educational materials to borrow, as well as loaner rope if you don’t have your own. There will be a few suspension rigs, two aerial points, lots of cushions, and plenty of floor space to spread out. Cutting tool REQUIRED for any and all rope scenes (labbing and floor rope scenes included).

Monthly Rope Jams (every last Tuesday of the month):

January 28th

February 25th

March 25th

April 29th

May 27th

June 24th


COVID Precautions: Masks required except when actively engaging in a scene or eating/drinking. All participants must be vaccinated. If you test positive up to 7 days after the event, please let us know so we can inform all other attendees while maintaining your privacy.

Attire: Come as you are. We suggest something comfortable and cozy (ahem, Cass) but come in whatever outfit you like! This is absolutely a venue you can dress up for, and if you want to do some cool rope and take some fun pictures, this can be the space for that!

Location: The 418 Project is a multi-use space in which we have rented out a large space in the back for just us. The 418 Project has a front desk person that will let you in to the building and direct you to the back Large Theater. To protect your privacy, you will not check in with their front desk, but instead directly with us in the back.

Photo policy: Photos are welcome, just make sure that you have permission from everyone in the photo (INCLUDING THOSE IN THE BACKGROUND) before sending or posting anywhere. Please note we cannot guarantee full privacy in this day and age, so plan accordingly. We may have a house photographer(s) on site to take photos and will be implementing a wristband system- adapted from Twisted Windows rope jams.

Green: Anyone, including the house photographer(s), your tying partner, and other attendees (with permission) may take your photo. No one may post without your explicit consent.

Yellow: Only the house photographer and people you delegate may take your photo.

Red: NOONE, including the house photographer, may take your photo. If we see someone taking your photo, even your tying partner, we will approach them and ask them to immediately delete the photos.

18+ event, ID required and checked at the door. Masks required.

February 18

Nerves & Safety + Components of Rope - Bael Series Core Curriculum

March 4

Building a solo rope scene - Arae Series expanded CURRICULUM